Public offering statement from İşbir: Postponed to a forward date

The public offering of İşbir Sentetik, a subsidiary of İşbir Holding, whose foundations were laid in 1968, was postponed to a later date. Continuing its activities in Ankara and Balıkesir today, İşbir Sentetik Dokuma Sanayi A.Ş. is one of the leading companies of İşbir Sünger Sanayi A.Ş. in Turkey. In the statement made by İşbir Holding, it was stated that the public offering will be held on a more suitable date.

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Isbir In the statement made by Isbir Holding , “One of our group companies, İşbir Sentetik Dokuma Sanayi A.Ş. An application was made to the Capital Markets Board on March 03, 2021 for the purpose of selling the shares through public offering (initial public offering), and our announcement regarding this application was shared with our investors on the Public Disclosure Platform on March 03, 2021.

Although the related process continues, İşbir Sentetik Dokuma Sanayi A.Ş. and Garanti Yatırım Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş, the brokerage house authorized in the public offering process, it was decided to postpone the targeted public offering in order to realize it in a period when market conditions are more suitable for the public offering.

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