Nvidia CEO: “Cryptocurrencies will be with us for a long time.”

Nvidia CEO: “Cryptocurrencies will be with us for a long time.” The CEO of computer hardware maker NVidia said in a new interview on March 29:

Cryptocurrencies will be with us for a long time.. Cryptocurrencies are a real thing, they won’t fade away.

Nvidia CEO: “Blockchain will be here for a long time.”

Speaking to CNBC, Jen-Hsun Huang said that money states that their use is based on Bitcoin and altcoins in the long run. Jen-Hsun Huang also mentions that the benefits of the technology underlying cryptocurrencies are huge.. Saying that blockchain brings with it “real benefit”, Huang believes cryptocurrencies are as real as any useful software or video games.. He explains these thoughts with the following words:

The world has very low friction, the chance to exchange value at a low cost will be here for a long time.. Blockchain will be here for a long time. As you know, millions of virtual goods are created and sold in virtual reality.. Humans battle each other with spaceships and spend hours creating them. So virtual goods, virtual worlds, and digital currencies are all interconnected.

Over the past year, as more consumers and necessary power expands as the cryptocurrency industry expands as part of the network, Nvidia’s Bitcoin mining trend has come to a head. appears to have invested heavily. Cointelegraph reported in January that 2018 could be a half-year for the company, with its share price rising to 100% in 2017.

“Our GPUs are the world’s largest installed base of distributed supercomputers.”

However, competition from China has prompted the Wall Street analyst to revise growth forecasts for the company.. But Jen-Hsun Huang still remains positive about the company’s growth, adding:

The reason cryptocurrencies have become so popular with our GPUs is that our GPUs are the world’s largest installed base of distributed supercomputers. that it is. Blockchain requires cryptography and having a perfectly secure public ledger distributed around the world that is completely immutable. Our processor acts as the perfect processor to enable this supercomputing capability to be deployed. That’s why it’s used.


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