Max Keiser reminded the price prediction for Bitcoin again

Max Keiser, known for his close interest in digital currencies and previously known for his predictions about Litecoin and Bitcoin, made another comment on the future of Bitcoin.

Keiser, on his personal Twitter account, stated that the war of China, USA, Japan and Russia to dominate Bitcoin mining will benefit Bitcoin and therefore Bitcoin will quickly reach $ 10,000 in the short term. .

Keiser said, “Your price will quickly reach my interim target of $10,000 as China, the US, Russia, and Japan enter the race to mine Bitcoin.”

Litecoin’s ‘$50’ ‘, he said ‘$5000’ to Bitcoin

Keiser, who previously predicted that Litecoin would rise to 50 and was successful in this, said that Bitcoin would reach $5,000 last month, once again proving his maturity.

Statement from Charlie Lee

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