Is Cryptocurrency Investment Possible in Turkey?

Turkey is known as the country that attracts the most attention in the region as crypto money investments.. The number of citizens who own Bitcoin is very high, and contrary to what is known, most of our citizens never tell others that they invest in crypto money. There are some reasons behind the reason for the high number of Turkish citizens.. A large part of these reasons lies in the cyber attacks in the crypto money industry and the murders outside of these attacks, the kidnapping of crypto money investors for ransom.. The high number of citizens who own cryptocurrencies is a proof that Turkey has grown in this sector and that its citizens are full of citizens with more advanced knowledge compared to the countries of the region and even many other countries in the world.

Istanbul, Ankara and A large part of our citizens living in Izmir, what is crypto money, what is Bitcoin and how to buy it? While they do not know the answers to their questions, a small part of them can answer these questions.. Citizens with a high education level or good with technology can answer these questions, and many of our citizens who are in the financial sector, “What is crypto money?” Although he could not answer the question “What is Bitcoin?” It is known that they can answer the question. While people in the financial sector should be closely interested in cryptocurrencies, it is due to the fact that they do not focus on this subject enough and do not want to have enough information, while some of the investors do not say that they have crypto money in their close environment, but they open this issue to test their relatives and get their thoughts.. Due to the record rises in the market from time to time, even people who have a good understanding of cryptocurrencies in their family and do not tell their family members that they know about them can pressure their family members to buy Bitcoin or inform their family members about cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency mining in eastern regions. While it is known that there are people who do business in the Eastern regions, there are also some citizens in the Eastern regions who are interested in cryptocurrencies, especially those who work in the Eastern regions on temporary duty and use cryptocurrencies to send money to the Western regions.. All these are events in our country and our own citizens experience them all.

It is now possible to say that Turkey is a leading country in the crypto money sector.. Of course, it would not be possible to compare Turkey with the crypto money sector in the USA or the crypto money sector in Japan.. In these 2 countries, the crypto money industry has developed a lot and most of the people are more familiar with the technical terms about cryptocurrencies than our citizens, and people who have started to shop with Bitcoin in their daily lives gradually.. While this did not result in the loss of Turkish citizens, the developing crypto money sector in Turkey increased the number of investors, which is a regional leader in crypto money, and is among these countries among dozens of countries in the world after the USA, England, South Korea, Japan and some 1-2 countries. Turkey is showing a great example of success.

The reason why Turkey is so open to cryptocurrencies is not only the interest of the citizens.. Today, some Israeli citizens are also interested in cryptocurrencies, but due to the taxes imposed by the Israeli government, many Israelis are torn between owning or not having cryptocurrencies, considering whether to buy cryptocurrencies and how to deal with taxation.. The Turkish government, on the other hand, is a country with a free economy, which leaves the cryptocurrency industry alone and where citizens can act as they wish as long as they obey the laws.. With this aspect, Turkey, even though it is among the 20 largest economies in the world, is in the order of 15-20, as soon as it contributes to the development of its citizens economically, and it is one of the rare successful countries that can make a name for itself with its new generation vehicles, new generation technologies and the world’s best banking system.

Comparing the USA and Turkey, the USA supports crypto money. While Turkey is the world’s largest power, Turkey is the world’s 15-20 largest power.. It is due to the fact that the economy is in the middle of the list and therefore the income ratio in the USA and the income ratio in Turkey are different.. At the same time, while US citizens today have different platforms where they can sell their crypto money and buy it whenever they want, the fact that Turkish citizens face some legal obstacles is one of the reasons that prevent this.

In terms of cryptocurrencies in Turkey. The only big problem is the low income of the citizens.. Although citizens want to buy a little crypto money in order to have crypto money economically and to invest in the future, the minimum wage citizen can buy a maximum of 100 liras per month in Bitcoin, which is of no value.. In the USA, it is known that students can save up to 30 dollars a day from their money and they can own at least 30 dollars worth of crypto money per day.. While university students can buy Bitcoin at least 30 dollars a day, Turkish citizens allocate money to buy Bitcoin at the level of 20 dollars per month, which shows that Turkey lags far behind the United States in the amount of Bitcoin per capita in the crypto money sector.

Should we invest?

As Turkish citizens, it is obvious that we like crypto money investments in Turkey.. In order to buy Bitcoin, we can allocate money from our money and while allocating money, it is necessary to constantly follow the crypto currency agenda. The fact that many people have learned about cryptocurrencies and have owned crypto money, that the first Bitcoin ATM in the country was established in Istanbul, Turkey before some European countries, Turkey is one of the preferable countries for being an investor due to the lack of tax rules, Turkish He reminds again that they are among 10 countries where they can buy cryptocurrencies so easily for their citizens. He doesn’t think if the coins will be banned or not, so I made panic sales. Knowing that he will not cross the tax limits or face different legal problems, he owns Bitcoin without the need for hanging.. For these reasons, as a Turkish citizen, if you have enough money to spare for Bitcoin in your pocket and you are thinking of long-term crypto money investment, you can start investing right now. If you are thinking of investing in crypto or Bitcoin in the future, waiting for a while and not investing immediately can increase the potential earnings you can earn in the future and at the same time prevent you from potentially losing money from possible crypto money losses.

This The content has been prepared SPECIALLY for and should never be an investment advice or investment advice.

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