Deutsche Bank: Serious Changes in Cryptocurrency Markets Are Leading Large Investors To This Market

Deutsche Bank analysts stated in the report they prepared for bank customers that there is a direct correlation between the Bitcoin fee and the VIX index, in short, the index of increase-decrease in prices.

At Deutsche Bank, the global economic In the report prepared with the contributions of strategist Masao Muraki,Hiroshi Torii and Tao Xu, the fact that the increase and decrease in prices in global money markets is very minimal; It has been stated that investors can make money more easily and comfortably and direct them to the crypto money market, where there are serious fluctuations in prices even within short hours. It was stated that the crypto money market was leading the way and began to be more interested in “risky investments”, while it was also noted that there is a direct proportion between the Bitcoin price and the VIX index.. (The VIX index is a value that indicates how quickly the value of a good increases or decreases over a period of time.. For example, while the price of a good increases by 1000 dollars in 10 days, the price of another good changes by 1-2 dollars in the same period.. In this case, this index of the $1000 commodity is higher than the other.)

The following statements were included in Muraki’s report:

“Now, many large investors do not have much money in traditional stock markets. started to think they wouldn’t be able to make much money. The increase and decrease in prices led them to the crypto money market, which we can describe as more risky.. And these investors are slowly trying to get information about the dynamics of that market.”

Still, the situation that Muraki stated will continue until the Bitcoin price stabilizes in a certain place and its volatility decreases.. Many investors and analysts, in their statements to the press, predict that the price of Bitcoin will no longer follow such an increase and decrease after a certain point.

The price volatility in Bitcoin is literally at a high level.. In December, over $20,000Bitcoin was suddenly $10 thousand last week.

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