Dash Hosts An Important Conference In London

Digital currency Dash is hosting an important conference September 24 in London. The conference is organized by Keynote. Keynote company hosted the North American Bitcoin Conference and the World Blockchain Forum in Miami.

Dash core team CEO Ryan Taylor said that they will make important statements and joint partnerships at the conference. announced. The conference will be held at the Oval Space in London.

The conference’s timing was chosen very appropriately because the World Blockchain Forum will be held at the same place the next day.

The conference will have approximately 350 participants.. Ryan Taylor and co-founder Evan Duffield will be keynote speakers.

The event will feature panel sessions on the development of the upcoming Evolution update, the Dash Debit Card, and the newly announced Dash Labs.

Dash as per token prices skyrocket There have been developments in. Trading volume increased from $225 to $360. Since then, the price range has been in the $280-$300 range.. Dash is one of the older alternative cryptocurrencies created by Evan Duffield in January 2014.. Its name was first changed to Xcoin, then Darkcoin, and finally Dash.

Dash Force News Editor-in-Chief Joel Valenzuela:

“Latest and In a space that hovers around the biggest tech, the simple and inexpensive decentralized payment system Dash’s main offering is a bit ‘boring’ for today’s terms.”

Indeed, the current hype cycle is smart contracts and ICOs. Seems to be more related to. Valenzuela:

“Evolution aims to bring a smooth and user-friendly experience. Even your grandmother will understand cryptocurrencies with this system.. Evolution will deliver a PayPal-like experience.” he added

Dash has a split network between ordinary users and miners (layer 1) and masternode (layer 2). These masternodes  provide a ‘decentralized Blockchain’ system, including PrivateSend, InstantSend and Dash.

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