Coronavirus break to Onur Air: Staff are on unpaid leave

While the coronavirus epidemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and caused the death of millions of people, continues to affect the world, the aviation industry continues to have bad days.. After Pegasus, which recently announced a loss of 3.2 billion liras, another news came from Onur Air.

“The number of people with positive test results has increased”

Turkey’s long-established private airline company Onur Air, which has stopped its flights for about a year due to the epidemic, and has been operating with limited capacity, is sending all its personnel free of charge. took leave. In the statement made by Onur Air, “Mr.. Below, we present to your information the information and instruction of our General Manager, Teoman Tosun, regarding the expiration of the Short Working Allowance this evening.. Dear Colleagues, during the epidemic, we received financial aid, Tax/SGK debt restructuring, SHGM and DHMI fee cancellations or reductions from our state under the name of KÇÖ.. As it is known, this aid, especially KÇÖ, ends as of this evening, instead, the payment of unpaid leave fee is offered by our State as an opportunity.. We are constantly revising our commercial flight plans by looking at the positions of the countries.. In this context, with the last decisions taken, the fact that the first flights can be implemented and planned as of the third quarter of May has emerged.. By the way, the rate of our colleagues with Covid positive test results at the Headquarters has increased a lot in recent weeks.. Within the framework of all these observations, if the CCO program is not extended, the decision to take all our personnel on unpaid leave between 01 April / 30 April 2021 was approved by the Board of Directors in the first stage..

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