Central Bank Governor made a statement on Cryptocurrencies

The Cryptocurrency sector, which started with Bitcoin in 2009, continues to make a name for itself by increasing its growth momentum since the beginning of 2017.. With Bitcoin breaking price records one after another in recent days, the interest in the industry is increasing day by day.. While governments look at the Cryptocurrency industry legally, Central Banks in particular set up teams to conduct detailed research on the industry.. As in many countries, Turkish Government officials did not remain indifferent to the Crypto Money industry, while the Central Bank Governor made a statement about Cryptocurrencies.

The President of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), Murat Çetinkaya, made statements about Cryptocurrencies in Istanbul.

Central Bank Governor, in his statement on Cryptocurrencies, stated that the CBRT follows the developments in digital currencies closely, and that digital currencies can contribute to financial stability if they are well designed.

Çetinkaya stated that the CBRT has formed a group of market participants, policy makers and regulators to work on digital currencies.

Statement on Cryptocurrencies by Naci Ağbal, Minister of Finance, in September:

“A development that will deeply affect the international financial system in the medium and long term. It is currently in the initial stages, but this area must be taken under control and bound to rules and regulations.. In this regard, there will certainly be some developments in the international financial system.. As always, Turkey will take part in these developments.”

The situation of Turkey in the Cryptocurrency sector

Bitcoin and crypto money in our country The interest in the sector is far ahead of many countries in the world.. The services provided by Bitcoin and altcoin exchanges are at such high quality levels that they can not be searched for examples.. The number of businesses that accept Bitcoin and a few altcoins as a means of payment is increasing day by day.

If serious studies are carried out on Blockchain technologies in our country, if encouraging legal steps are taken regarding Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. It will be a matter of time before we reach a point where we, as a country, steers the sector and can surpass many other countries in terms of volume. ready to make new breakthroughs. While there was no Bitcoin trading platform in our country until months ago, today we have Cryptocurrency exchanges that have proven themselves and provide trust to their users at world standards. We also do not have an altcoin payment infrastructure.. While our national crypto currency exchanges continue to develop, a payment infrastructure system that will be operational in our country will take our country one step further in the crypto money industry.

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