Bitcoin statement from Charlie Lee

Charlie Lee made a statement about the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. He stated that if Bitcoin solves its scaling problems, the problems will be fixed and it can have a more stable price. Stating that Bitcoin price has some problems due to scaling problems, Lee stated that if this problem is solved, Bitcoin usage in the world will increase much more and there will be less price concerns.

I think Bitcoin is the most scaling. and if this problem is solved, there will definitely be better results and more people will think positively about Bitcoin. The interest and relevance will be even higher in solving the Bitcoin scaling problem. –  Charlie Lee

Comments on Bitcoin price have increased recently, and there have been comments about why its price is not stable and why it cannot leave the balanced process. While all these comments did not escape the attention of investors, it is expected that the next 2 months period will be the scene of developments that will most concern this issue.

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