Artificial Intelligence and Universal Basic Income

What will we as humans do in a future where technology has rendered the vast majority of jobs useless? Americans see hope in a universal basic income, according to a 2018 Gallup poll.


Americans are concerned about how growing automation will affect their jobs. There seems to be no limit to what tasks complex robots can do as well or even better than us, yet experts and society cannot agree on how to respond to this displacement.. According to a 2018 Gallup and Northeastern University survey, 48% of Americans think this solution is universal basic income. the concept that he receives a fixed income regardless of. Previously, this concept was praised by Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg and criticized by names such as Joe Biden.. This much discussed concept may seem impossible, but in Scotland they are already implementing a program to test it.. In the video below you can find a short video in English explaining the universal basic income.

But does this survey show that Americans agree? actually not quite. While it’s important to get just under half the vote, this result still shows the majority ETG’s disapproval.. What’s more, according to the poll, a large 65% of Democrats support universal income, while only 28% of Republicans support it. In fact, 81% of self-identified “extreme liberals” in the poll support ETG. 27% of those who describe themselves as “extremely conservative” agree on this issue. If any kind of universal income system is being considered in the US, could it divide the country’s parties in the future?


Beyond the differences of opinion on whether to implement the ETG, Not everyone agrees on how to make this type of payment.. Only 45% of people agree to pay more taxes to finance this program, according to the survey. This is interesting enough, however, 80% of those who support universal income think that this payment should be made by artificial intelligence and autonomous technology companies. It also coincides with the concept of. The idea behind this is that if human workers pay taxes, automation could result in both job loss and the collapse of the state economy. it would make sense to pay this tax – by the company that produced those robots. While some think the idea will turn people away from innovations, others think it is a reasonable solution to fund such a program. and will contribute to the development in the fields. Another result from the Gallup poll is that 76% agreed that artificial intelligence will “revolutionize the way people work and live in the next decade”.. Currently, 77% of people find the impact of AI “mostly positive” or “very positive”, but it is a fact that automation will make us lose our jobs in a way we have never seen before.. Although not everyone can come to an agreement on the ETG, some solutions need to be found.

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