3-day break from Toyota Turkey to production

The Japan-based Toyota Turkey factory, which has made a name for itself with the innovations it has brought to the automotive industry, announced that it will suspend production again after the break it took last year due to the coronavirus epidemic. Toyota Turkey, which had the title of the world’s best-selling brand last year by overthrowing the German automotive company Volkswagen, will suspend production between January 31st and February 2nd, 2021 due to planned maintenance, repair and revision works.

Exported 180 thousand vehicles

Due to the coronavirus epidemic that broke out in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019 and then spread all over the world, which continued its effect for about 1 year, there was a 7-week break in production last year. Toyota Turkey exported 180 thousand of the 217 thousand vehicles it produced. This year, it aims to produce 247 thousand vehicles and export 197 thousand of them.

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