March 31, 2018 Bitcoin news of the week

March 31, 2018 Bitcoin news of the week. We are compiling Bitcoin news for our readers who do not have time to follow the blockchain, Bitcoin and crypto money industry closely.

Here are the highlights of Bitcoin this week:

Israel has officially announced that Bitcoin is not a collateral

Bitcoin will be $30,000 by the end of the year, according to David Drake

March 26 Bitcoin status analysis

Dutch Court has ruled that Bitcoin has “Property Features”

Reddit removes Bitcoin payment option

The race between SegWit and Bitcoin Cash is accelerating

Bitcoin usage may be ideal for these countries

Barber Uyan says Bitcoin for the environment!

Georgia is setting up Bitcoin and Litecoin ATM

Japanese luxury car dealer accepts Bitcoin payments

Russia will accept football fans to pay for accommodation in Bitcoin


Newegg begins accepting Bitcoin payments in Canada

India launches Bitcoin mining training program

2 imams who allegedly traded Bitcoins spoke

Can Bitcoin price drop to $3500?

Mandela’s golden hands sold with Bitcoin

BitFlyer Increases Bitcoin acceptance with registered users

The drop in Bitcoin price pulls the crypto money market below the level of 300 billion dollars

Without overlooking all the developments related to Bitcoin from our country and the world You can follow the Bitcoin news of the week under the heading.

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