Strong Exchange Delists 49 More Cryptocurrency Swap Pairs

Hong Kong-based trading platform OKEx, one of the leading exchanges in the cryptocurrency market, announced that it will carry out the second major delisting operation that has taken place recently due to low liquidity.

In the announcement made on the official website of the stock market, the first It was stated that after the delisting process, 49 more crypto currency swap pairs will be stopped from trading on the exchange.

38 Altcoins Affected

While it was stated in the announcement that it was aimed to strengthen the clearing environment and create the best environment for traders, 38 cryptocurrencies After this delisting operation, which will affect the money, it is seen that the transactions of 26 tokens will be removed from OKEx permanently.

Has the highest transaction volume in the crypto money world after Binance. olan ikinci borsası olan OKEx’te işlem dışı kalacak takas çiftleri ise şu şekilde;

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