Pamukkale Turizm made a statement about the increase in tickets: “It has been inevitable”

Pamukkale Turizm, one of Turkey’s most established transportation companies, made a statement after the reactions to the increased ticket prices.. Pamukkale Turizm, which made a statement on the subject through its social media accounts, said, “It has been inevitable that ticket prices increase due to the pandemic.” replied. The statement made on social media accounts and on the website is as follows;

Dear passengers;

With the pandemic process, the transportation sector has been going through the most difficult days in its history for about 15 months.. Our industry, whose wheels never stop, 365 days, 24 hours, could not organize a trip for 4 months in total this year.. With the decrease in intercity mobility due to reasons such as pandemic conditions and travel restrictions, the loss of passengers in our sector reached 70%.

While the main expense items of the transportation sector are constantly increasing; We tried not to reflect these costs on our ticket prices by considering our passengers.. However, with the circular published on 16 May within the scope of pandemic measures, the capacity of intercity buses was limited to 50% between 17 May-01 June.. In this situation, where we were able to put 20 of the 40 seats on our buses into service, the cost per seat doubled.. For this reason, it was inevitable to increase ticket prices in order to cover some of the cost and continue on the road.. We have done everything we can to keep this increase to a minimum by forcing all our conditions.. Together with our thousands of employees, we continue to work with all our strength by taking every necessary health measure and without compromising our quality.. We thank you, our passengers, for your understanding and support during this difficult process.

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