The world’s first IOTA charging station went live

The idea of ​​the world’s first electric vehicle charging station, where payment can be made via IOTA, was implemented in the Netherlands.

Real world acceptance has remained a difficult target for many cryptocurrencies, and especially IoT solutions are seen as the technology of the future rather than today’s platforms. . In this regard, IOTA has surpassed an important benchmark with its electric vehicle charging station in the Netherlands.

The system was independently developed and installed by Dutch smart charging manufacturer ElaadNL.

Elaad developer Harm Van Der “We see the potential of DLTs and we thought: Can we integrate this into a charging station? Can we use it to create a better integrated system, as in smart grids, and to get renewable energy sources into the system as much as possible?”

IOTA co-founder Dominik Schiener said, “Electric vehicle charging is one of many applications where IOTA is the obvious choice as the base protocol for transactional settlement between machines.. The work done by the team at Enexis in creating the first-ever IOTA-based EV charging station was enormous.. This development will pave the way for greater adoption of IOTA.”

Another IOTA co-founder, David Sønstebø, said, “As cars turn into wheeled computers and we move into the era of electric vehicles, you must have the infrastructure to support this new era of mobility.. Enexis’ ‘ElaadNL’ project paves the way for this using the IOTA protocol.”

The designed system includes the communication between the wallet system and the customers using the charging station.

This is still a preliminary design and in the future, Elaad plans to make some improvements to the system that will go a long way.

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