6 types of users in the world of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency world can be summarized with 6 user types in Telegram.. Telegram is one of the main communication centers of many people today.. And as in real life, it hosts many types of users in the cryptocurrency market.. We will introduce these types to you in this article.

Here are 6 user types of the crypto money world

On alert

Users of this type also drive other users crazy with whom they are very active on all kinds of channels. First, they declare that they have great love for a project, but later on, at the slightest problem, this love gives way to anger and anger.. The key phrase for this user type is “I love everyone”. Other sentences they use are; “I really believe in the project. But on the other hand I want a refund and I want the money back! I hate you! Give me my money back! This is a scam! It’s a scam! Everything is gone! I had to listen to my mom! Avoid, you idiots!”

People with connections

Such users claim to have all kinds of information. Saying that they are aware of the law, they give examples of their connections such as the CIA, judicial courts.. Their basic sentence is: “You are in big trouble.. I’ve already reported everything to the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission). You might start to panic because the FBI is watching you.”


These users are the most important users in the cryptocurrency market.. They invest their own money not only for profit but also because of the trust in the project and team.. These people are the core audience of any project that supports and inspires the team.. These are the most loyal followers of the product and those who have demonstrated understanding and patience during development.. This audience is represented by seasoned cryptocurrency market enthusiasts and analysts who read almost every post and watch every reference in the media.. They usually research all topics on their own, and sometimes share their answers with others.


The goal of these users is to sell what they get for cheap for higher prices. Doesn’t care who develops projects, how, or who’s behind what. They don’t even read the whitepaper. Basic vocabulary: “When is the check-in? Come on guys, hurry up! I can’t wait to make $100 in a month.”

Banned members

Such users flood every time does it and gets banned every time. Then opens a new account and starts over. Key word: “Why am I being banned again? I deposited 1 million dollars and got banned here. Why?”

Nasty trolls

These users go online once a month and ask the same questions each time : “What are you doing, has the project not collapsed yet?” Then it disappears and after a while comes back with the same jokes and sarcastic words.


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